International Rivers

WATCH: The Global Movement for People and Rivers speak out! / El movimiento global para la gente y los ríos hablan!
Hydropower #dams are NOT sustainable…or clean or green or renewable energy.
Climate emissions from hydropower dams have been historically underestimated. Dam reservoirs are a major source of #methane, a greenhouse gas 86 times more potent in the short term than carbon dioxide.
For human rights, dams are terrible–by the year 2000, dams had already displaced 80 million people globally and negatively impacted over 472 million people downstream.
As we think about the future we want and need, we must remember #rivers are key to sustaining life. We’re running out of time and cannot be distracted by #FalseSolutions like dams.
#ProtectRivers and #Indigenous and riverine communities
FECON -Federación Ecologista- Otros Mundos – Chiapas Redlar AYMÏX – Associação Yudjá Mïratu Xingu Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur – CRAM Centre du Commerce International pour le Developpement Arnika