No se pierda esta maravillosa oportunidad de escuchar historias inspiradoras sobre ríos de todo el mundo y aprender de los líderes que están marcando la diferencia en algunos de los problemas fluviales más urgentes de nuestro tiempo.@intlrivers
This Day of Action, International Rivers and American Rivers are joining together to host a virtual event.
We invite you to join us on March 16, at 10am pacific time, for “Life of a River: From Restoration to Protection and Rights.”
We will be screening a series of short films from regions spanning from the Peruvian Amazon, to the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Our partners including community activists, indigenous leaders, and environmental lawyers will discuss various tactics and efforts to stop dams, uplift Indigenous rights, and protect rivers.
(Please note: contact information will be shared with International Rivers and American Rivers. You can view International Rivers and American Rivers’ respective privacy policies on their websites)
16 mar. 2021 Hora 10:00 a. m. en Hora del pacífico (EE. UU. y Canadá)