12 essential podcasts to know more about rivers and the people who protect them.

News November 26, 2021

Podcasts are also a way to navigate a sea of information often produced by mainstream media. Affordable to be produced, these channels allow several independent and/or minority groups to amplify their voices and reach different audiences. They also address subjects that mainstream media has yet to cover with property, like climate collapse, rights of nature or rights of traditional communities. 

The story of Waccaman Indian People is strongly intertwined with the Waccamaw River located in northern Colorado. This wild river provides them with physical and spiritual substance while they, despite numerous hardships, persistently fight to protect its freshwaters. This story and many others can be found on the We are Rivers podcast, an initiative by the American Rivers organization that helps us navigate the histories and struggles of American rivers. 

International Rivers, with help of some of its collaborators spread all over the world, listed 8 essential podcasts to learn about indigenous movements, environmental rights, and, of course, rivers:  

Copiô, Parente (Brazil).

Radio is one of the most used media vehicles by indigenous people in Brazil. Eager to seize this media opportunity, Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) formed a partnership with indigenous communities and created the podcast Copiô, Parente. Weekly, indigenous people share news, concerns about legal protection and other subjects in an accessible format and language. 

We Are Rivers – USA

This podcast brought by the NGO American Rivers takes the listeners to a journey through the story of American Rivers while talking with adventurers, writers, water experts and artists about how rivers have impacted their lives – and their actions to protect them. 

Force of Nature – Various countries but based in the UK. 

Women are in the front line on defending rivers and other natural ecosystems. Thinking about the intersection between environmental issues and gender, Clover Hogan founded the podcast Force of Nature, telling stories about how women research, protect and defend natural territories. 

La Ruta del Clima – Costa Rica

This podcast is all about climate changes and social justice. Periodically, they interview climate activists and human rights defenders about how it’s possible to sensibilize and include more people for the fight against climate collapse. 

Vozes do Planeta (Voices of the Planet) – Brazil

The Chilean based in Brazil Paulina Chamorro is a well-respected environmental journalist. In her podcast, she invites indigenous leaders, scientists and other speakers to discuss climate change, environmental conservation and sustainability. Keep an eye also on her series of interviews with iconic Brazilian women conservationists. 

La voz de la Diversidad (The Voice of Diversity)  – México

Radio is one of the most often used communications channels by indigenous communities from Mexico. Valuing the richness of their voices and experiences, Canal Once produced a series of six episodes about six regions of the country. Each episode is narrated in a bilingual manner – And indigenious language and Spanish. 

River Radius – USA

When paddling a river, one has to know its water courses. Designed for the ones who love canoeing, Rivers Radius is a podcast produced by Sam Carter, a famous USA paddler. Each episode is focused on a theme, like for example a course of a river and what it takes to protect it.

Telling our twisted stories – Canada 

It’s long overdue for indigenous people in the media space to tell their own stories. The host  Kaniehti:io Horn opens up her microphone on this podcast, inviting indigenous leaders to tell their version of the story about common words in the English language. 

Little Green Pod – Australia and Southeast Asia

This podcast is for listeners who don’t have much time to stop their daily business and listen to a full-hour programa. In episodes with 10-12 minutes, Host Fi Poole gives a series of easy tips to turn life a little greener, making connections between parenthood and climate change. 

SSEAC Stories  – Southeast Asia

Created by University of Sydney, this podcast aims to discuss how human rights are perceived and defended in countries like Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. Subjects like environment, gender and other related subjects appear on this six-episode series.  

Rambling about rivers – Europe-based. 

The Rivers Trust organization unites experts about freshwater ecosystems in all Europe. So why not open this knowledge to everyone? Rambling about Rivers is a podcast about what can be done to save our freshwater ecosystems. Travel with the narrators through histories and actions to protect rivers as the Severn (Grain Britain). 

Mongabay Newscast – Multiple Countries 

When it comes to environmental references, Mongabay is often mentioned as a worthy read. Its podcast series is equally highly recommended, targeting subjects related to biodiversity and human rights with a journalistic approach. In one of its more recent shows, the podcast brings a much needed interconnection between biodiversity and indigenous rights, showing how traditional communities are key to saving global fauna and flora. 

Written by: Cecília Garcia
Edited by: Bonnie Barclay

Una breve historia gráfica sobre el crimen de nuestra compañera Berta Cáceres

#JusticiaParaBerta| Una breve historia gráfica sobre el crimen de nuestra compañera Berta Cáceres, por @reporterosdeinv con ilustración de @ALLANMCDONALD

VER HISTORIETA EN: https://www.reporterosdeinvestigacion.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/COMIC-BERTHA-CACERES-con-audios.pdf

Defender los ríos “no es una disputa técnica, es una disputa ética y política”

Entrevistas 22 de septiembre | 2021

Defender los ríos “no es una disputa técnica, es una disputa ética y política”

Movida global por los ríos y pueblos denuncia el falso discurso de las hidroeléctricas como energía limpia y llama a una transición energética justa

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Del 7 al 24 de setiembre se realiza el Congreso Mundial de Energía Hidroeléctrica en Costa Rica, organizado por la Asociación Internacional de Energía Hidroeléctrica y apoyado por el gobierno del país. Como respuesta a esta actividad organizaciones ecologistas costarricenses, del resto de América Latina y del mundo iniciaron la campaña Movida global por los ríos y los pueblos, un espacio alternativo de discusión y movilización en defensa de los ríos y los pueblos del planeta.

Radio Mundo Real entrevistó a Osvaldo Durán Castro de la Red latinoamericana contra represas y por los ríos, sus comunidades y el agua (REDLAR) para conocer sobre esta movida que denuncia las falsedades en las narrativas corporativas respecto a la energía hidroeléctrica “limpia, verde y sostenible”. Además, llaman a una urgente transición energética justa y respetuosa, que tenga como prioridad el respeto de los derechos de los pueblos y los ríos.

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Plantas hidroeléctricas ¿Energías limpias?

Escuche por acá este programa en donde el compañero Alberto Gutiérrez nos comparte un poco sobre la Movida Global por los Ríos y los Pueblos y porqué la estamos desarrollando:

Escuchar programa en: https://fb.watch/7JYy69wXFn/

Espacio Social: Ríos en movimiento

3 de agosto de 2020

Los ríos de México son amenazados por diversos factores como la contaminación por megaproyectos como presas, hidroeléctricas o mineras, entre otros.

En esta emisión conversamos con la abogada especializada en derechos de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades agrarias, Claudia Gómez Godoy, quien es integrante del colectivo de abogados que acompaña la lucha contra la construcción de la presa “El Zapotillo”.

También conversamos con el biólogo oaxaqueño Miguel Calixto Rojas quien nos platica acerca de la cuenca del río Atoyac y sus principales afectaciones por contaminación, así como la relación que los pueblos y comunidades de los Valles Centrales tienen con este.

Por otro lado, conoceremos en voz de Leonor Santos Díaz, mujer afro mixteca, originaria de La Luz, Tututepec, Oaxaca e integrante del Consejo de Pueblos Unidos por la Defensa del Río Verde (COPUDEVER), parte de la historia de esta organización que cumple 13 años de lucha por la defensa de la vida.

Escuchar y descargar Espacio Social: Ríos en movimiento (30 min.) https://www.educaoaxaca.org/espacio-social-rios-en-movimiento/

«Encontrarnos para unificar luchas»

Entrevista a Daina Hernández de COPINH y Koritza Ortez del Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y Justicia de Honduras.

Durante el último día del Primer Encuentro Continental del Movimiento de Afectados por Represas de Latinoamérica (MAR) en Panamá, Radio Mundo Real entrevistó a Daina Hernández del Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH) y Koritza Ortez del Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y Justicia (MADJ) de Honduras.

Ambas dialogaron con María Selva Ortiz, de REDES-Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay para RMR, sobre la coyuntura hondureña.

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